Since its inception in 2013, the GLF has become an accelerator of best practices that brings together changemakers from finance to science to indigenous community leaders. There are many ways to be active in this community of landscapes and help drive positive change.

Call for Online Moderator: Community of Practice on Challenges and Opportunities for African Youth in Forestry (West, Central and North Africa)


Location :

AfricanYouth4Forests” represents a dynamic intersection between Africa’s verdant forests and its youth. It s...

Call for Online Moderator: Community of Practice on Challenges and Opportunities for African Youth in Forestry (Eastern and Southern Africa)


Location :

“AfricanYouth4Forests” represents a dynamic intersection between Africa’s verdant forests and its yout...

Consultant – Independent evaluation and strategic review of the Forest, Agriculture, and Commodity Trade (FACT) Dialogue (2021 – 2026)


Location : Home-based

The Forest, Agriculture, and Commodity Trade (FACT) Dialogue was initiated in response to escalating global challenges s...